Tuesday, September 16, 2008

St. John's Wort: Take 2

Well, in desperation, I've decided to start taking the St. John's Wort again, since I already have an opened bottle. The bottle I have of Nature's Way Herbal supplement says to take 2 capsules, 350 mg each, twice a day. But it doesn't give a percentage of active ingredient, so I don't know. I also don't know how regulated this particular brand is.

Anyway - I decided that rather than doing nothing, at least I could try something. Again. I need to go back to my doctor. And sometimes I think about trying to find a counselor again. But finding babysitters and the stress of it all oftentimes persuades me not to. I know that's probably not a very good excuse. And $$$$.

In the brief research I did this morning (google search), I thought it was interesting that some research says that St. John's Wort acts as an SSRI and some say it acts as an MOA-inhibitor. Wouldn't it be important to know which is right? One site even recommended avoiding foods like cheese, wine, yeast, etc. that you are supposed to avoid when taking MOAI's. Yikes!


Aqua said...

Hi Deepblue,
Can you ask ither your pdoc or your pharmascist about any dietary restrictions with St. Johns Wort? Pharacists are full of medcation/supplement info and all their advice/info is free. Good luck.

deepblue said...

good idea - I'll call the pharmacist