Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Walking the Tight-Rope

I've been feeling a little better. But I feel like I'm walking a tight-rope. I'm balancing, but barely. And it would be so easy to fall. One misstep. One slip. One slight wind to knock me off balance. And down I would go.

And I know how far it is to fall. I know how hard it is to get back up. I know what awaits at the bottom.

And it seems inevitable. I can only keep going for so long, before it becomes too much. I can't stand on such a thin line for so long. So precarious. So unsure.

I know it.
And my confidence is shaken every time I fall.

1 comment:

Aqua said...

I am experiencing the exact same feelings right now. It is hard when our moods go up and down over and over. It is hard to believe the good will last. I am tring to take it one tiny baby step at a time. Know I am cheering you on, but will also be here if you fall (but I hope that doesn't happen to eiter of us)