I called the pharmacist to find out about possible food interactions with the St. John's Wort. From what he found, in whatever information they have access to, he said that it is "theoretically possible" if taken in "large amounts", that the St. John's Wort could cause hypertension when combined with foods such as cheese and other foods containing Tyramine. But he didn't think that taking a normal recommended dose would cause any potentially dangerous interactions. And there is no actual tested "proof" from scientific studies that this would actually be the case anyway. It is just a theory.
So this is one problem I have with taking herbal supplements, just in general. There are many unknowns. It is not as well studied. They don't even know for sure by what mechanism it even works (specifically for St. John's Wort). Dosing isn't regulated. So, I have mixed feelings about taking it.
It's been about a week now and I have actually been feeling a little better. And no noticable side effects. Since my mood seems to fluctuate quite a bit over time (mostly on the negative side. I can't say I ever get mood "highs" really) - but I would need to stay on it for a longer period of time before I would say with confidence that it's really helping for me.
So - that's where I am today.
A Beginning and an End
3 years ago
I'm glad you called. The other place for great science based info is a website called "Pubmed" (you can google it. It is a site full of scientific papers about all things medical. I use it a lot. Once you are on the site, type in keywords in the search area and abstracts, and sometimes full papers come up. the "paper icons" beside the topic indicate what is available...if it shows a "bunch" of papers piled up...it's the whole article/paper, if it shows none, it is unavailable or available or a fe (I think). It took me a while to figure out the site, but it is helpful and my pdoc recommended it, so it is a scientific site vs. a site that is based on "opinion"
Hi I just found your blog and am reading my way through your posts when I saw this one. I took SJW for a while when I was younger and as I remember you have to be careful about strong sunlight, not sure if you knew, but thought i'd say in case it wasn't flagged on the bottle. I'd also say go easy on the caffiene and stay away from cannabis because I'm sure i remember something about the effects of pot and SJW being a bad combo! (Not that I assume everyone smokes it, but you never know!)
Hope it works for you
Lola x
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